Stop avoiding uncomfortable and hard shit!
As human beings, we look for the easy way to do everything.
Because we are built to conserve calories and doing hard shit doesn’t save us calories.
This is why so many people struggle to get the results they want in life because they are own human nature is fighting against them.
So, what can we do you ask?
Great question!
Build the muscle, just like you would if you went to the gym you do the reps!
You need to build reps of doing small amounts of uncomfortable and hard shit so that eventually that “small” gets bigger.
Here is a tool I use, it’s got a really simple name, it’s called “Fuck You”!
When you go to do something or you know you should be doing something and that little whiny inner voice starts justifying why you don’t have to do it starts up.
You say “Fuck You” and do that thing they were trying to stop you from doing.
It feels amazing!!
Here’s an example:
When you tell yourself you are going to have a cold shower and then you get in and it’s nice and warm and that inner voice that is always whining at you tells you it’s too cold to turn the shower cold followed by lengths of bullshit justification.
That is the perfect time to say “fuck your inner voice” and turn that shit to cold.
That one act of defiance against that inner voice starts to build and pretty soon you will be craving the uncomfortable and hard shit and do more and more.
That’s how you become harder to kill and that’s how you get shit done!
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
– Brian Tracy
So, are you ready to say FUCK YOU?
Stay Ready Team,
Kris Mac