Kris Mac Logo | Overwhelmed to Unstoppable


I wasted a quarter of my life running away from my fears. It took a bout with burnout, an existential crisis and an intense search for meaning to see through the bullshit and realise daily motivational quotes don’t actually inspire change. It takes a brutally honest look in the mirror and a rejection of ingrained belief systems to provoke change, then ironclad discipline to maintain it.


I spur people to face reality head on and really pinpoint their true drivers. I am the instructor for those who want a structure for complete transformation. I exist to help people end their addiction to mediocrity, to overcome their fears and reset themselves mentally. To bring out the leader dormant inside them to take charge of their lives.

At 27, I was living my goals and the life I had been told to lead. I believed that I had reached my final destination as the owner of a thriving gym, but something felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on the nagging feeling gnawing at me. I was living the dream, but it felt empty.

After some turbulent life changes and an honest look at myself, I realised that owning a gym was not my north star, not the compelling ambition I imagined. The moment I had that epiphany, I noticed all the bullshit excuses I had been making to not push beyond where I was. I saw through all my lies and pretences. Life lost all direction and I floundered.

My inner fire had burned out. It took me a year to shift my mindset, get out of that crisis, face reality and build a new vision for my life.

My purpose is to help uncage the leader in people. To wake them up from their stupor, re-forge their mindset and give them the tools to live with authenticity.



To forge resilient leaders by challenging them physically and mentally to uncage their full potential


To eliminate depression and burnout by creating a world of high-performing leaders.


To dare people to confront their excuses and live an authentic life.


People First; Be there for those who need you most.
Adapt + Overcome; See the wall and run through the wall.
Go with your Gut; Be authentically you, and make the call.
Don’t be a dick; How you treat others defines you, not them.


I’m talking to the ambitious action-takers and high achievers. People who desire a lot from life and have tasted success. Men with a carefully crafted exterior that others admire and respect but inside they feel a nagging hollowness. They feel stagnant. To all the people who have reached their limits, burdened with conflicting priorities, on the edge of spiraling out of control and into the abyss - I’ve conquered that shit and I can show them a clear framework to determine their direction and direct their lives. They don’t hide behind the veneer of missed calls and emails to run away from their problems. Instead, they step into the arena ready to fight, ready to fight against conventional wisdom and challenge back. My clients want to learn and test their own theories. They are not meek ‘yes-people’ in search of a ‘plug and play’ template. They are driven men ready to confront reality, throw up a middle finger to bullshit and re-route their lives towards their true purpose.


Nothing important comes easy - it must be earned with blood, sweat and tears. Working with me means rejecting the old, safe life. I will confront, question and challenge them to do better. I will get in their face and test their values. I will use unflinching accountability to enable true transformation. To forge a life of genuine fulfilment and passion people need to have an authentic conversation with themselves. I am that mirror who helps them engage in real talk. When there is no bullshit in the room, we can begin to clear the fog blocking our vision and align our reality with where we really want to go. Burnout becomes a distant memory and the word ‘depression’ ceases to exist. They’re making purposeful choices. They have uncaged their full potential. They have broken free from the shackles of a life-of-lies and lead authentically.